Krista Collins
Krista is married to her best friend, Josh. They have three children together. Krista received her Bachelor of Mathematics Degree from the University of Montevallo. She has been at Taylorville Baptist since March 2017.
What is your favorite family vacation? Beach
What did you want to be when you grew up? teacher
What is your favorite game or sport to watch and/or play? baseball or softball
What radio station do you listen to the most? K-LOVE and country
What is your favorite meal? tacos
What gets on your nerves the most (pet peeve)? when someone halfway does a task
What is your favorite zoo animal? big cats
What is your favorite holiday? July 4th
What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Taco Casa
What is your favorite family recipe? homemade french fries and squash casserole
What is your favorite movie? Remember the Titans
What was your favorite subject in school? math
What was your first job? straightening drumsticks for Zildjian music company